Types of Cleaning Chemicals
Your Trusted Partner for Cleaning Chemicals
We all know surfaces are only as clean as the cleaning chemicals used on them. For this reason, it is imperative to use the correct cleaning chemicals and cleaning equipment on various surfaces. Cleaning chemicals and detergents should always be used according to the manufacturer’s guidelines for the best results
Cleaning chemicals can be divided into four categories:
In certain environments it is vital that all surfaces are germ free, such as in a doctor or dentist room, restaurant or even a bathroom. Disinfectants are not able to kill all bacteria spores. In order to apply a disinfectant to an area, it must first be cleaned thoroughly with other cleaning chemicals, such as a detergent. This is done in order to first remove any dirt or grime on surfaces before applying a disinfectant.

Sterilising Agents
Sterilising agents are similar to disinfectants, but are generally used for specialised areas where sterile surfaces and objects are a prerequisite, such as in an operating theatre. These cleaning chemicals are able to kill bacteria spores, viruses and germs that may be resistant to the chemicals found in disinfectants. In order to ensure surfaces and objects are sterile, sterilising chemicals are used with other cleaning methods such as steam or heating when absolute sterility is a crucial.
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